Movie Reviews by Che Rich

“It’s not what a movie is about, it’s how it is about it.” 
― Roger Ebert

COVID-19 Update About Blog

Hi, everyone! First off, let me just start by saying this: I know that I haven’t been consistent with my reviews that I post, and I’m sorry about that. I was just about to start posting 2-4 reviews a month, but then the coronavirus hit. At first I was like: some movies are being postponed? Whatever, I’ll shift around my schedule a little bit. But then my school got cancelled, and movie theaters started closing down. Productions were cancelled, actors and filmmakers started getting the virus, and then I felt like it was time to sop for a little while. Thus, I am suspending the blog until things can get back to normal again. And I promise you that when I get back I will be posting 2-4 reviews a month, every month. Just wash your hands, stay inside, and wee will get through this. Bye for now.


‘Parasite’ (2019) Movie Review

Bong Joon-Ho’s Portrait of Class Conflict is a Masterpiece, and the Best Film of the Year


Yes, I know, I know…Parasite came out a while ago, and I just got around to watching it? Well, I’ll admit it, I forgot about it for a while. But when it won best picture, I was a bit befuddled Parasite won best picture? I thought. But what about all the other great films I saw this year? 1917? Once Upon a Time in Hollywood? The Irishman? Knives Out? I knew right then and there I needed to see it. And once I did, I was not disappointed. Parasite takes place in South Korea, and follows the poverty-stricken Kim Clan, who have to live in a basement apartment, and fold pizza boxes to make a living. Meanwhile, the wealthy Park family have it made, with a luxurious house, and even a housekeeper. Soon, their lives overlap in strange and frightening ways. This film, even though I’ve felt uneasy watching films before, made me feel physically sick. There were lots of parts that made me feel that way, such as the use of minimal music, and the supernatural element earlier on in the film. I was literally shaking in my chair, my stomach aching at parts. The film is odd in that it starts off as one thing, then becomes something completely different. The discombobulation of the film jarred me to my core, and even though I had heard people talking about it for a while, I still was not prepared. After, I got up and walked out, and found myself barely able to move, seemingly paralyzed by the strange sequence of events which had occurred in this film. It was almost religious experience. I felt like I had been dipped into a land of chaos and greed, and came out the other side, able to tell the tale. The emotions displayed in this movie are raw, and there’s plenty of shock value to go around, as well. Overall, the Oscars were absolutely correct. Parasite is the best film of the year, and I will definitely watch the rest of Bong Joon-Ho’s films, and will readily await his next one.

‘1917’ (2019) Movie Review

Sam Mendes’ WWI Film Is a One-Shot Suspenseful Thrill Ride 9.5/10 World War I is a very uncommon movie topic. Sure, World War II has many films, many of which rank among the crowning achievements of cinema (Dunkirk, Fury, Inglorious Basterds, Saving Private Ryan, The Monuments Men, The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, Tora! Tora!…

My First Blog Post

Be yourself; Everyone else is already taken. — Oscar Wilde. This is the first post on my new blog. I’m just getting this new blog going, so stay tuned for more. Subscribe below to get notified when I post new updates.

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Welcome to Che Rich’s Movie Reviews!

This is a blog where I share my opinions of the newest films that have come out. I decided to start this blog to share with other film lovers online what I thought of movies, and what you thought of them too. I will post (usually) three reviews a month. My first review will be of the Sam Mendes film 1917 on Tuesday. I’m just getting started, and would like to grow this blog, so subscribe and stay tuned for more reviews. I review all kinds of movies so whether you’re a hipster who only watches Czechoslovakian tone poems, someone who likes Tarantino and Scorsese, or a regular person who just loves movies, join me. I promise you it’ll be fun.

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